Apr 10, 2019
When I started to notice health issues as a result of my own consumption of wheat, I started to investigate further. Little did I know 8 years ago when I started to research this ancient grain what I would uncover – and what I now know, I cannot unknow. And,...
Mar 12, 2019
When I decided to create the documentary What’s With Wheat?, I sat down and planned it out; I wrote a story line and I specified who I wanted in the documentary. Little did I know that after all my interviews, there would be a change in the direction of the...
Feb 5, 2019
I’ve seen the devastating effect of an inflamed oesophagus. My sister at 24 had bad indigestion. She went to the doctor and he eventually diagnosed her with the life threatening autoimmune disease CREST. CREST is an acronym for 5 autoimmune diseases (calcinosis,...
Oct 2, 2018
Is there a connection between gluten sensitivities, leaky gut and candida? They tend to appear together, and in fact gluten sensitivities are extremely common among Candida sufferers. But is this correlation or causation? Firstly, What is Candida? The inner ecosystem...
Aug 21, 2018
Not only can gluten intolerance cause gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, constipation or diarrhoea, it can also be related to a myriad of mental health issues including anxiety, depression, sleep issues, cognitive impairment, psychosis, attention-deficit...
Jun 5, 2018
You may have seen some recent studies suggesting that fructan, rather than gluten, is the real offender when it comes to gluten sensitivity. We knew that fructans can be a huge issue for some people with abnormal gut flora, though we didn’t realise it could be more of...
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